Dharma Espresso

To start our coffee tasting series off, we will be trying the Dharma Espresso from Temple Coffee Roasters. As a side note, we brew most of our coffee as a Caffè crema. Essentially a Caffè crema is simpliy a long espresso. We like to think of it as a mix between a traditional espresso and an americano. It's not very common here in the USA, but you can find it in Europe and other parts of the world. Often in Europe, they will just consider it plain coffee. It's just how they typically make it.

Now back to the Dharma Espresso. This espresso has a classic taste with a nice subtle spice. If you take your coffee with cream, it will pull out more of the chocolate and caramel notes forward. We typically like coffee that leans more on the chocolate/caramel side, so this espresso is right up our ally. We definitely recommend Temple Coffee Roasters. They always seem to have solid coffee. The Dharma espresso was yummy and satisfying, but there are other coffees we've had that we liked more. Just remember that we're essentially pinning great coffee against great coffee. It's really hard to say who wins.

We rate the Dharma Espresso - 4 / 5

Rating Disclaimer: We are only rating higher end coffees. So a Starbucks bag of coffee from the grocery store is going to be a -20/5 (kidding, but you get the point). So pretty much anything out of 5 is good in comparison in this rating system.

We've been using this coffee subscription called Trade Coffee for over a year and really like it. They send you freshly roasted coffee from top roasters around the country. It's a super fun way to try new coffee and always stay stocked up. If you're already into nicer coffees, you should check them out.

The first three people to use this link and sign up can get their first bag of coffee free. http://s.trdcfe.me/ZGvJn


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